
  • Ask LH: What Tools Should I Use For A Computer Science PhD?

    Dear Lifehacker, I have decided to start a PhD in Computer Science. Everyone knows starting something new can be overwhelming, and that’s especially true of a PhD, as it requires research in an unstructured environment, not just turning up to classes anymore. I’d like to keep track of what I am doing my research in,…

  • Why Technology Won’t Stop Plagiarism

    Plagiarism at university is a time-old scourge. Some would have us believe it can be sought out with ever-improving technology, and with more consistent vetting of student essays with the latest detection software. But beneath these appeals to superior forensic intelligence lies an unhappy fallacy — that a technological fix can address a moral problem.

  • How Well Does Your University Cater For Laptop Users?

    I went to university so long ago that I was the only person in my year who even owned a laptop, and it didn’t have a hard drive. Things have changed since then, but the ability of campuses to cater for a lecture theatre full of students toting their beloved notebook computer still varies a…

  • How Simple Power Management Saved A Fortune For The University Of Sydney

    We all know that using the power management facilities on our PCs is a sensible idea to reduce energy usage, but it’s often hard to conceptualise just how much difference doing that can make. The University of Sydney introduced automated power management technologies into its student labs, and saw huge reductions in its environmental impact…