
  • The Post-University Survival Guide

    The Post-University Survival Guide

    If you’ve finished your final-year university exams, the real world beckons in all its slightly scary glory. But where do you start? What are you forgetting to do? Once you’re out of university, you have a lot of ground to cover to get things moving. From handling HELP debts to finding a job, here’s what…

  • LinkedIn Heads Back To School With University Pages

    Professional social networking site LinkedIn is launching a new tool dubbed University Pages which is designed to help high school and university students stay connected and build important contacts as they progress towards the first stage in their careers.

  • Ask LH: Am I Taking Too Long To Qualify?

    Dear Lifehacker, I’m 21 and about to belatedly finish year 12 exams. I am also studying a Diploma of IT which leads straight into year 2 of a BA with a technology focus. I live out of home and work to support myself. In order to work enough to survive I can only study two…