
  • Your Twitter Circle Isn’t Actually Private Right Now

    Your Twitter Circle Isn’t Actually Private Right Now

    Your Twitter Circle is your inner sanctum: While your average tweets might be suitable for public consumption, your private thoughts are only for your confidants. So, if your Twitter Circle tweets were being seen by people outside your Circle, that’d be bad, and a breach of the Twitter Circle circle of trust. Perhaps you can…

  • Five Small Job-Search Tasks You Can Do While Watching TV

    Five Small Job-Search Tasks You Can Do While Watching TV

    Whether you’re actively looking for a new gig or just exploring your options, it can be easy for a job search to eat up all your waking hours. Spending 18 hours a day thinking about finding the next step on your career path is a sure-fire way to build stress, do worse in interviews, and…

  • Don’t Delete Your Twitter Account (Do This Instead)

    Don’t Delete Your Twitter Account (Do This Instead)

    If you’re thinking of deleting your Twitter, I wouldn’t blame you (I’d only ask what took you so long). Things are wild over there right now, and stability sure isn’t on the horizon. However, before you take the nuclear option and say goodbye to Elon Musk and his ilk, consider not deleting your account: Don’t…