
  • Turn (Almost) Any Store-Bought Cookie Into a Truffle

    Turn (Almost) Any Store-Bought Cookie Into a Truffle

    I bought my first food processor while I was still in college, working towards a chemistry degree that would get far less use than the appliance. One of the first things I made was a batch of Easy Oreo truffles, which impressed all of my lab mates and required a mere three ingredients — cookies,…

  • Your Pies Demand One of These Cookie Crusts

    Your Pies Demand One of These Cookie Crusts

    Cheesecake might be one of my favourite desserts. It foregrounds a top-tier food group (dairy) and it doesn’t require me to make a pastry crust, something I hate doing with every fibre of my being. The iconic cake of cheese typically rests on a crumbled crust, usually made of graham crackers. But it can be…