self care

  • Plan Your Mental Health Days In Advance

    Every month, I try to mark off at least one weekend day as a No Plans Day. During that day, I do what might otherwise be considered “nothing;” I read, I nap, maybe I rewatch a favourite movie or TV show, and I spend a lot of time staring into space and just, like, thinking.

  • How To Love Yourself, With Tara Brach

    We’re learning how to practice true self-compassion this week with renowned psychotherapist and Buddhist meditation teacher Tara Brach. Tara is the author of Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life With the Heart of a Buddha, and most recently Radical Compassion: Learning to Love Yourself and Your World with the Practice of RAIN. In addition to having…

  • How To Make The Most Of Your Leisure Time

    If you have time off for the holidays, will you get to spend it doing anything fun? What about your free time this evening—what would make that time feel enjoyable and restorative to you? Here’s an idea: perhaps you need to make sure you have two different kinds of fun.