
  • The Bechdel Test, And Other Media Representation Tests, Explained

    The Bechdel Test, And Other Media Representation Tests, Explained

    In the latest episode of Rick & Morty alternative The Simpsons, guest star Alison Bechdel describes her famous Bechdel test for films: Do two female characters have at least one conversation that’s not about a man? Marge immediately brings up Homer, provoking Bechdel’s FAIL animation, shown here in handy exploitable form:

  • After Charlottesville, I Asked My Dad About Selma

    After Charlottesville, I Asked My Dad About Selma

    Over the weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia, white supremacists held a rally that escalated into violence. An activist, a paralegal named Heather Heyer, was killed after a man drove his car into a crowd of protesters. I usually write about video games on this site, but today I need to talk about my dad, who marched…