
  • Why You Need More ‘Tiny Relationships’ (and How to Get Them)

    Why You Need More ‘Tiny Relationships’ (and How to Get Them)

    One of the many lessons we were forced to learn from the pandemic was the importance of social interaction, and the devastation of social isolation. And even outside of our intimate relationships with friends and family, weak social ties are also necessary to our sense of wellbeing. I know how it easy it is to…

  • Don’t Ignore These Less-Obvious Signs of Verbal Abuse

    Don’t Ignore These Less-Obvious Signs of Verbal Abuse

    Sometimes it’s very clear when someone speaking to you is being verbally abusive; you feel cut-down, belittled, and/or manipulated. But other times, it can be harder to tell if the words directed at you are some type of criticism or unwelcome feedback, or actual verbal abuse.