
  • How to Figure Out What Weirdo Just Called You

    How to Figure Out What Weirdo Just Called You

    There are a lot of instances when you might need to match a phone number to a real person’s name. Maybe you got a text from an unknown number. Maybe you’ve seen a call from an unlisted contact pop up repeatedly on your partner’s home screen. Whatever the case may be, here are some of…

  • Enable These Instagram Privacy Settings Right Now

    Enable These Instagram Privacy Settings Right Now

    Instagram has been through so many changes, it’s hard to remember what is truly private on your account and what’s not. As a Meta product, though, Instagram isn’t known to respect your data, so the most “privacy-friendly” option would be to delete your account entirely. If you’re not willing to go that far, though, the…

  • Do You Need Locket, the Latest Trendy Photo-Sharing App?

    Do You Need Locket, the Latest Trendy Photo-Sharing App?

    The latest hot photo-sharing app, Locket, recently raised $US12.5 ($17) million in funding, making it potentially worth checking out even though it’s still relatively unknown. After launching on New Year’s Day this year, it did rack up over 20 million downloads, but it’s still nowhere as well-known as its peers, Instagram or BeReal. (Instagram, of…