
  • Make An Absolutely Filthy Martini With MSG

    Make An Absolutely Filthy Martini With MSG

    Video: Dirty martinis made me the gin drinker I am today, and for that I owe them a debt. And though I now prefer a simple five-to-one ratio of gin to vermouth (with an olive), I still get a hankering for a dirty boi from time to time.

  • Gallop Into The Weekend On A Dirty Horse

    Gallop Into The Weekend On A Dirty Horse

    You guys remember my BBF, horseradish vodka, right? (You should, twas only yesterday this was released unto the world.) Well, in a move you probably saw coming, we are using her to make a bracing, slightly salty, sorta sinus-clearing martini.

  • Hop Into The Weekend With A Lemongrass Kangaroo

    Hop Into The Weekend With A Lemongrass Kangaroo

    Happy weekend, and welcome back to 3-Ingredient Happy Hour, the weekly drink column featuring super simple yet delicious libations. Today I would like to introduce you to the Kangaroo, which some (wrong) people refer to as “a vodka martini”.

  • What To Drink With Steak If You Don’t Like Red Wine

    What To Drink With Steak If You Don’t Like Red Wine

    Red wine and steak is a classic pairing for a reason — they taste great together — but not everyone can handle all of those tannins. Fortunately, there are many other beverages that work with a perfectly-cooked hunk of meat, and most of them are quite boozy.