
  • Don’t Waste Your Time With These Terrible Diet Tips

    Don’t Waste Your Time With These Terrible Diet Tips

    It’s the new year and everybody’s on a diet — I mean, a wellness journey. Whether you want to lose weight or not is none of my business, but I do beg you to please, please let all the following silly weight loss “hacks” die. Many of them verge on disordered eating behaviours, while others…

  • Stop Adding Friends to Your Relationship Fights

    Stop Adding Friends to Your Relationship Fights

    During an argument, you might feel that you need help from a family member or friend to help find some middle ground with your partner. While asking for support from a third party might sound like a good idea, it can also be a sign of triangulation, which is a form of emotional manipulation.

  • The Best Ways to Respond to Unfair Feedback at Work

    The Best Ways to Respond to Unfair Feedback at Work

    Early in my career I had an interaction with a boss I now regret. She began by saying, “I want to give you some feedback on your work.” With a list in front of her, she began to describe all the things she felt I had been doing poorly. She made little eye contact and…