
  • Ask These Questions Instead of ‘How Are You?’

    Ask These Questions Instead of ‘How Are You?’

    As children, most people were taught to memorise certain dialogue in order to be considered polite in everyday situations. Along with saying “please,” “thank you,” and “nice to meet you,” we were instructed to ask someone how they’re doing — either immediately after, or as part of an initial greeting like “hello” or “good morning.”

  • Calm Your Worried Mind With These Self-Soothing Techniques for Adults

    Calm Your Worried Mind With These Self-Soothing Techniques for Adults

    Parents of little kids with big feelings may be familiar with self-soothing techniques — or ways their children can help regular their own emotions and calm themselves down. And because as adults, we’re are no strangers to disruptive emotions like anger, sadness, and fear — not to mention our everyday stress and anxiety — we…

  • The Best Way to Stop Subvocalising and Read Faster

    The Best Way to Stop Subvocalising and Read Faster

    With an almost infinite amount of information constantly at our fingertips, it helps to be able to read quickly — or at least at a decent clip. Although we may not think of what we do as “reading” in a traditional sense, many TikTok videos and Instagram reels have subtitles and captions, so even if…