
  • How to Recover From a Moral Injury

    How to Recover From a Moral Injury

    Most of us are familiar with post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, which is triggered by witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event. A person suffering from PTSD will often experience a constellation of mental health symptoms, such as nightmares, flashbacks, severe anxiety, and uncontrollable memories of the incident. As psychologists are starting to discover, though, in…

  • How to End an Annoying Conversation Without Being Rude

    How to End an Annoying Conversation Without Being Rude

    An underrated hurdle to the small talk struggle is not how to keep the conversation alive, but how to gracefully let it die. Maybe the other person brought up the 2016 election. Or the podcast they’re thinking about starting. Or their divorce. No matter what, you’re desperately searching for an exit sign so you can…

  • There’s Something Better Than ‘Quiet Quitting’

    There’s Something Better Than ‘Quiet Quitting’

    Look: If clocking in and clocking out counts as “quitting,” then we should all be quitters. You’ve probably heard about “quiet quitting,” as well as the growing backlash to the viral term. The idea, first popularised in a TikTok from @zkchillin (now @zaidleppelin), describes “quiet quitting” as employees “quitting the idea of going above and…