
  • How to Block Apple’s Own Ads on Your iPhone

    How to Block Apple’s Own Ads on Your iPhone

    Although you can install ad blockers for your iPhone, these apps have a glaring blind spot: Apple’s own ads. No iPhone ad blocker (not even the DNS or VPN-based ones) can block Apple’s ads for various apps, its own services, and search. The worst offender in this case is the App Store, where Apple has…

  • How to Make Apple Music Less Agonizingly Slow

    How to Make Apple Music Less Agonizingly Slow

    Apple Music’s app is one of its biggest weaknesses of its app-based streaming service, which seems…not ideal. Whether you’re on your iPhone or your Mac, the app has never been known for being particularly snappy; Reddit users in particular love to complain about it. If you’ve found the Apple Music app to be agonizingly slow,…