• Block Facebook’s Beacon Feature

    Users of the social networking site Facebook might have noticed the recent uproar over Beacon, an opt-in feature that notifies friends about purchases made at outside web sites. While users can, as of yesterday, turn off the friend notifications in Facebook’s privacy settings, Facebook can still collect the information. If you want to block Facebook…

  • Disable Facebook Beacon

    Privacy and social networking may be mutually exclusive but there are measures you can take to protect your personal information. Lately Facebook’s been under the spotlight for the privacy implications of its Beacon tool which can link up advertisers and third parties to report things on Facebook, like your purchasing habits. (there was a TechCrunch…

  • Facebook apps for techies

    CNET’s compiled a list of Facebook apps for techies. A couple of them are just geeky time wasters (retro arcade games and the official 100 question geek test) but there’s a couple of interesting ones there including tools for embedding your blog into your Facebook profile, and a “text me” application. I was also pleased to…