• Stop Trying to Remember Things On the Tip of Your Tongue

    Weblog ScienCentral reports that when you can’t come up with an answer that’s sitting on the tip of your tongue, you’re best off forgetting about it altogether. That’s because, according to a study by experimental psychologists at Canada’s McMaster University, the more you struggle to remember a word on the tip of your tongue, the…

  • Is Google Making You Stupid?

    The Atlantic Monthly’s Nicholas Carr is worried that his increasing reliance on the internet for research and other information has made him stupid: …what the Net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation. My mind now expects to take in information the way the Net distributes it: in a…

  • FlixPulse Rates Movies by Twitter Consensus

    Web-based movie review index FlixPulse might not provide the voice of rationed wisdom on how good a movie is, but it’s a nifty way to see what the uber-connected Twitter community has to say on it. Real humans scan through film mentions across the short-messaging community, then group them into good, bad, or indifferent piles…