• Google Developing ISP Throttling Detector

    Google is developing a tool to detect whether your ISP is throttling your bandwidth, according to web site HotHardware. Can’t wait for Google’s tool? Check out previously mentioned BitTorrent throttle-detector Glasnost.

  • Old documents, spanking new OS

    Here’s a cool option you probably didn’t know was buried in Vista: the ability to read an online archive of replica historical documents direct from the OS in their original format. The documents are part of an online archive which is accessible to anyone with the Silverlight plug-in, but Vista users can access them natively.…

  • Edit Google’s Mobile Page from iGoogle

    Google has made it a lot easier to re-order and change what gadgets show up on your personalised Google Mobile page. Head to your iGoogle page, hit “Settings,” and scroll down to Mobile. You can add mobile-compatible gadgets you already have on your iGoogle page, re-order and delete existing gadgets, and see what the page…