• Finding the cheapest way to use your iPhone overseas

    Australian data rates for iPhone users have been an ongoing source of controversy, but they look like positive bargains compared to the roaming charges you’ll face if you take your beloved new 3G model overseas. David Flynn at APC has analysed the deals being offered by the three local carriers, and concludes that for overseas…

  • Google Maps Adds Walking Directions

    Google Maps wants to help you get where you’re going on foot with a new option to switch your step-by-step driving directions to walking directions. The main difference between walking and driving directions appears to be time estimates, with Google estimating your walking pace at about 19 minutes per mile. The walking directions appear to…

  • iGoogle Header Remover Improves Screen Real Estate

    Now that iGoogle has full-screen Gmail, weather, and other gadgets, you may start accessing more of your Google services from inside iGoogle. The iGoogle Header Remover Greasemonkey user script toggles the visibility of the iGoogle logo and search box to optimise your screen real estate so you can focus more on the new and improved…