• babblebaby offers real-world advice to parents

    Observant Lifehacker regulars have probably already noticed the link to babblebaby, our new sibling site. Like Lifehacker, babblebaby offers practical and modern advice, but as the name suggests, it’s targeted at the parents of newborns and young children. Regular features include Strollerderby (a parenting blog), FameCrawler (updates on celebrity babies) and Droolicious (the latest products).…

  • Google Translate Now iPhone-Friendly

    The Google service that’s super handy when you’re travelling internationally (or just headed to multi-lingual city), Google Translate, is now available for the iPhone. Just hit up translate.google.com in mobile Safari; check the screenshot to see it in action.

  • Top 10 Conversation Hacks

    A whole lot more than just words passes between people who are talking, so a few simple conversational skills can help you recognise what’s really being said and help you lead the discussion your way. Learn how to read body language and facial expressions, de-code euphemisms, ask sensitive questions, criticize constructively, get what you want…