• Use Google’s translate keyword for on-the-fly translations

    Need a quick translation of a word into English? Type ‘translate’ followed by the word into Google’s search box and it will now look the English translation for you straight away. While this doesn’t offer the range of language pairs found in Google Translate, it’s a quick fix for getting a translation from commonly encountered…

  • Scrabulous now totally gone from Facebook

    Looks like the legal action against Scrabulous by the owners of the Scrabble trademark has finally kicked in worldwide. I’d previously reported on how to work around the block for US players, but now accessing Scrabulous in Australia results in a “this application is not available to you” message. All references to the Facebook version…

  • Telstra reduces Next G broadband pricing

    Just weeks after changing the way it charges for Next G data access on mobile phones, Telstra has updated its pricing for wireless broadband services for PCs. The somewhat confusing set of previous plans (which included variants based on access speed, download limits and time spent online) have been replaced with four options: 400MB a…