• Is it too late for cut-down Underbelly?

    The ban on Channel Nine broadcasting its hit gangland drama series Underbelly in Victoria had some interesting consequences, including making it hard to purchase the DVD of the series online. Today, The Australian reports that edited versions of the episodes of the series have finally been cleared for Victorian broadcast this week. Will you be…

  • Facebook about to kill off old design

    It turns out that our suspicions were correct — Facebook is about to remove the choice of whether to use its new design, or, as a note on the site proclaims: “New Facebook will soon be the only Facebook”. In the spirit of facing up to the inevitable, I spent some time this afternoon playing…

  • Watch your Senator with Project Democracy

    Members of the Australian Senate often seem remote compared to House of Representatives members — in part because they represent a whole state rather than a more tightly-defined area — but in the current Federal Parliament the lack of a dominant party means that the Senate’s review function is more active than ever. Project Democracy…