• In Quotes Displays What US Politicians Said About A Keyword

    Google Labs launches an addictive little webapp called In Quotes, which searches and compares things politicians have said in the news by keyword. So you can see what Obama and McCain have said recently about Iraq, health care, or energy. Hit the “Spin” button to get another quote (with a link to the source news…

  • Anti-Social Networking Insults Your Friends

    Social networks are supposed to be friendly places, but sometimes the devil enters into you and causing a little mayhem seems like much more fun. Enter Anti-Social Networking, a Facebook application (albeit also a movie promo) which you can use to “send crap gifts, cheat at Scrabble and insult so-called friends”. The core of the…

  • Digital TV Switchover Will Take Place Region By Region

    Having recently complained about the haphazard approach being taken to Australia’s proposed digital TV switchover, it’s good to learn that Australia will be emulating the UK by adopting a region by region switching model, rather than the more drastic US approach of just switching off the analog signal and dealing with the chaos afterwards. There’s…