• Writing Tips From An Economist

    The Stepcase Lifehack blog pulls out a trusted tome, Deirdre McCloskey’s Economical Writing, and extracts some wisdom from an accomplished economics professor on writing tight sentences that are thrifty with words (unlike, say, this sentence). Here’s one bit especially relevant for online writers: Always ask “So what?” … Your reader’s time is very valuable, and…

  • Rickroll Rick Astley To Best Artist Ever

    Rickrolling — tricking an Internet user into watching a clip of Rick Astley’s classic 80s hit ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’ — has become an established part of Internet culture. Reflecting that, the RickVoter tool automatically votes repeatedly for Astley as Best Act Ever in the MTV Europe awards. No doubt MTV will eventually block…

  • Vodafone Cuts Mobile Broadband Prices

    Vodafone has dropped the price of its entry-level mobile broadband plan, cutting its 1G a month offering from $34.95 to $24.95. (It advertises the service as $19.95 a month, but you have to pay $5 a month for the USB stick modem.) The plan still requires a 24-month contract, so it’s not ideal for super-ideal…