• Why Clean Feed Internet Plans Are Wrong

    As plans for a government trial of content filtering with selected ISPs firm up, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that we might all get stuck with a degraded Internet service with very little justification in public service terms. Over at APC, I’ve rounded up half-a-dozen arguments for If the thought of your Internet connection being censored…

  • VoxOx Is Like Digsby Plus Skype

    Windows/Mac OS X only: Free application VoxOx is a combination of popular multi-protocol chat and social networking application Digsby and voice chat service Skype—or at least that’s the idea. VoxOx claims to combine all of “today’s main forms of communication into one snazzy interface.” To its credit, VoxOx does offer a lot of worthwhile functionality.…

  • Notifu Contacts A Crowd Quickly

    Send a batch of email, IM, SMS or even voice messages with Notifu. The site is designed as a iPhone webapp, but it’ll work in any browser. Simply add a list of recipient email addresses, IM handles or text or voice phone numbers and send a message to a group of folks quickly and easily…