• Run Skype From Your Thumb Drive

    Popular VoIP application Skype provides a cheap way to stay in contact with your friends and family, but it’s not portable, so you can’t carry it with you. Not unless you know how, that is. Weblog MakeUseOf details how to set up Skype to run from a USB flash drive so that no matter where…

  • The White House Gets A Blog

    US President Barack Obama’s campaign embraced technology like none before, so it’s no surprise that the new face of the White House on the web comes complete with a brand new White House blog. If you want to keep up with the latest from the Oval Office blog, just drop the WhiteHouse.gov blog feed into…

  • Google Knol Tops 100,000 Articles

    Since opening up last July, Google’s Wikipedia competitor Knol has attracted more than 100,000 entries. While that’s an impressive number, it’s well and truly dwarfed by Wikipedia’s 2.7 million English-language articles. And while Knol’s “moderated edits” model might mean that there are fewer visible edit wars, there are still plenty of unsourced, rambling and opinionated…