The Latest Tips and Tricks To Level Up Every Aspect Of Your Life

We’re here to give you all the life hacks you need to become your very own superhero and stay entertained, whether it’s at home or on an island far away.

  • The Workspace In The Roof

    Attic rooms with sloped ceilings can be awkward spaces, but this one is a cosy, special workspace, thanks to the owner’s clever design choices. Sitting here might feel like you’re working in a treehouse — a grown-up, comfortable version of one, that is.

  • Regular Exercise Leads To A Healthier, Smarter Brain

    You know that exercise is good for your body, but did you know it can actually make you smarter as well? We’ve mentioned the topic in brief before, but new research shows that it’s not a cause-and-effect relationship that exercise makes you smarter — it’s that exercise is the reason you’re smart.

  • Make Your Own Infused Vodka With This Quick-Infuse Method

    Making infused vodka isn’t exactly difficult — it just requires patience. Patience to let your vodka sit somewhere for days, weeks, even months with your herbs, zest or fruit in it in order to extract every drop of flavour you can get before straining and serving. If you’re more of the instant gratification type, America’s…