The Latest Tips and Tricks To Level Up Every Aspect Of Your Life

We’re here to give you all the life hacks you need to become your very own superhero and stay entertained, whether it’s at home or on an island far away.

  • Three Things That Surprised Me About Pregnancy

    Three Things That Surprised Me About Pregnancy

    You probably already know “What to Expect When You’re Expecting“. Maybe your female friends and relatives can’t stop giving you advice. Maybe you’ve been pregnant more than once. Regardless, there are some things we don’t discuss very readily when it comes to pregnancy. It’s time to spill the beans.

  • How Cloud Computing Could Have Helped Locate MH370

    As the biggest ever hunt for a missing plane continues, many are beginning to wonder if we will ever know what happened to Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. If the plane has crashed, it has been suggested that it could take up to two years to find its wreckage. But if MH370 had been fitted with…

  • Unmark Turns Your Overflowing Bookmarks Into A To-Do List

    Unmark Turns Your Overflowing Bookmarks Into A To-Do List

    Many people have given up using bookmarks in favour of services like Pocket or Readability. If you still have way more bookmarks than you know what to do with (like I do), Unmark helps you organise them, access them anywhere, and even follow up, reading articles and visiting sites you meant to try later.