7 Ways to Treat Yourself This Christmas if You Can’t Make It Home to Family

7 Ways to Treat Yourself This Christmas if You Can’t Make It Home to Family

Between the pandemic and the cost of living crisis, Christmas for some Aussies might not be what we’re used to this year. It can be upsetting if you can’t see your family this holiday season due to COVID or the cost of flights and accommodation. So if you find yourself grieving and wondering what to do without your family on Christmas Day, here are some things that you can do to treat yourself this Christmas.

FaceTime with your family

Image: iStock

If you’re spending Christmas alone, FaceTiming the people you would normally spend it with is an alternative. While it might not be the same as being there in-person, you at least get to see the faces of your loved ones (and they’ll get to see yours, too!).


If you’re really wanting to interact with others and spread some Christmas cheer, volunteering is a great option for doing good.

You can volunteer with the elderly at a variety of facilities, including nursing homes. If you’d rather spread Christmas cheer to sick children, Starlight Children’s Foundation is always looking for help setting up activities and assisting with crafts.

There’s also options to volunteer at an animal shelter or food bank if you’d like a little less social interaction.

Buy and wrap gifts for yourself

how to wrap presents christmas gifts
Image: Getty Images

Santa visits everyone, including you. Buy yourself something you’ve been wanting for ages. A pair of new pyjamas, that new novel, or even a fancy bottle of wine.

When you wrap it up, make sure you write ‘From Santa’ to keep that Christmas magic alive.

Cook (or order) your favourite food

If you don’t want to make yourself a full Christmas dinner, you can just make your favourite parts of it. Roast potatoes and ham for me, please!

Don’t feel like cooking at all? Some places are still open on Christmas Day, so go and treat yourself this Christmas to a cheeky Macca’s. Don’t forget the McFlurry.

Entertain yourself

Image: iStock

Spend the whole day reading the book that’s been on your bedside table all year. Or watch all the movies and TV shows you missed.

If you enjoy gaming, play that one JRPG that’s been on your Steam wishlist for years. Or jump on voice call with some friends and make your own fun in an online game together. Minecraft and Fortnite are great for a silly, goofy time.

Have a ‘Friendmas’

If you and a few other friends don’t have plans, get together for your own Christmas celebrations. Have everyone bring a dish and some drinks so you can all have a holly-jolly good time, without the stress of cooking for heaps of guests.

Pamper yourself

Self care is the ultimate way to treat yourself this Christmas. Do a face and hair mask, have a long bath and moisturise afterwards, or do your nails.

If you don’t like the idea of having a spa day in your own home, book a hotel for the night or have a sleepover with a friend.

Image: iStock

Remember that you don’t have to celebrate Christmas every year. But if you’re feeling lonely or sad, make sure that you take care of yourself and do the things that you enjoy.

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