How to Make the Crispiest Potato Known to Man, According to Reddit

How to Make the Crispiest Potato Known to Man, According to Reddit

Yeah sure, mashed potatoes are cool and all, but what’s better than a mash? A crispy potato. There is truly nothing better on this Earth than biting into a crispy potato and feeling that crunch. Big chefs kiss. 

With that said, I want to be able to make my own crispy potatoes whenever I want, so we turned to the folks on Reddit to get the secret on making crispy potatoes so we can all experience that sweet sweet crunch.

Boiling The Potatoes:

Bear with me, I know boiling potatoes in water sounds like a soggy disaster, and not that crispy texture we want at all. But Reddit user KekistaniNormie swears by this hack, saying that we should be “Boiling them before baking or frying! After you boil them smash them to create more surface area for crispiness!”

Can’t knock it before you try it!

Throw The Potatoes In A Bag Of Salt?:

We all know that salt absorbs moisture, so there must be some truth to this bizarre trick. rahnster_wright shares that they chop their potatoes ahead of time, “throw[s] them in a bag with salt and oil and stick the bag in the fridge for several hours.” Then they roast it in the oven at 205° til they’re nice and crispy. 


You can’t go wrong with double dipping. Reddit user wdjm says that “You have to par-fry them in lower-heat oil, remove them from the oil, then fry them to crispy in hotter oil.” You don’t have to tell me twice.

Air Fryer:

We love a good ‘ol air fryer, and user chrisk365 clearly agrees with the simple advice of “air fryerrrrrrrr.”

Baking Soda?:

Apparently adding a bit of baking soda in the boiling water adds to the crisp factor, with Reddit user Nightshade_Ranch saying to “toss them with some oil and seasoning after you drain them, they’ll get kind of a coating of mash/oil/salt on the outside. It fries to a golden crisp crunch with fluffy white interior.” Worth a shot!

Do you have any hacks to make perfect crispy potatoes? Let us know in the comments below.

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