The Bear Cast Tease More Grief and Strained Relationships in Season 3

The Bear Cast Tease More Grief and Strained Relationships in Season 3

It’s once again time to don your aprons and refer to everyone as “chef” because our favourite show, The Bear, is back for Season 3. Season 2 left the restaurant crew in an interesting place as the new fine dining restaurant attempted to survive its friends and family night, only for Carmy to mess up his life. Ahead of the third season, Lifehacker Australia sat in on The Bear Season 3 press conference and learned some interesting things about the upcoming season.

The Bear Season 3 plot teases and tidbits

the bear season 3
Image: FX/Disney+

What happens to Carmy in Season 3?

Last we saw Carmy, he was stuck in a walk-in fridge,letting his crew down at the restaurant, confessing unknowingly to Claire that he doesn’t think he’s cut out for a relationship with her, and fighting furiously with his cousin, Richie. What does this mean for him going into The Bear Season 3?

“I do get out of the walk-in refrigerator and that’s good,” Jeremy Allen-White said. ” And then I think Carmy does what he does, which is he sort of buries himself back into his work and really tries to challenge himself and, in doing so, really challenges everybody around him and I think becomes quite challenging to be around, as well.”

White added that while he’s provided an Emmy-winning performance for his perfectionist chef, it’s not a quality he shares with his character.

“I am so the opposite… it’s something I admire a lot about Carmy, and I think it’s something that I try and I strive for in my life. But no, that’s not a quality that I think Carm and I share,” the actor said.

Will there be a Sydney/Carmy Romance?

Some viewers of The Bear have read the chemistry between White and Ayo Edebiri’s characters as more than platonic, which is a question that came up during the press conference. However, any romantic implications between Sydney and Carmy were quickly shut down.

“No,” Edebiri said when asked about the romance. “No, there was no talk in the [writers] rooms about any romantic implications,” White added.

Later, when asked about a potential relationship between Sydney and Marcus, Edebiri was quick to shut that down as well.

With all that being said, White and Edebiri did speak to Carmy and Sydney’s professional relationship this season, saying it will be strained.

“That’s one of the things in the season that we sort of deal with is what it means to Sydney and what that next step would mean for her relationship with Carmy, who’s somebody that I think she really has looked up to but now is sort of in the thick of doing business with. And it’s I think a lot more chaotic than she might have idealised before they really started working together,” Edebiri said.

“I think for Carmen, he’s not the best communicator, but he will often make a sort of grand gesture like that to try and communicate to Syd or the kitchen or whomever. And I think that’s his way of kind of reaching out,” White explained. “…I think he’s got a lot going on in his mind all the time and people aren’t always aware of exactly what’s going on… you’ll see obviously how that affects Carmen and Syd’s relationship. But I think Carmen’s trying to welcome her in a little bit.”

Ayo directs an episode

the bear season 3
Image: FX

It was revealed earlier in the year that Edebiri would be directing her first episode of The Bear this season, with it later being confirmed she would helm Episode 6, titled ‘Napkins’.

Speaking about the process, Edebiri said that looking at all the scripts for the season she was particularly drawn to the Tina episode which would allow her to work closely with Liza Colón-Zayas.

“Directing was a blast. I really loved it,” Edebiri said. “It’s like a dream to get to work with our crew as an actor and so then, I guess by extension of directing, that feeling was only amplified. I was just so impressed and so moved every day. And then, I got to direct some of my favourite actors in the world, and it just felt like a bit of a master class but also a gift. Like, I was just in the best circumstances of truly just masters of their craft beside me, and I just felt so lucky.”

More grief is on the way

The majority of the characters in The Bear have been impacted by grief or loss in some way, particularly with the death of Mikey (Carmy’s brother) that kickstarts the series. When asked if further exploration of grief was on the way, the cast agreed it’s this thematic that seems to have struck a chord with audiences.

“I feel like a lot of different characters have grief that touched them in different ways in how they’re dealing with it…” Edebiri said. “That’s one of the connecting threads of the show, so I think it’s in the process of being dealt with by different characters in different ways in this season.”

“I would say that it’s even one of the strengths of the show and I think one of the reasons that it’s connected with so many people is I think grief is the river that runs through all of us. And it’s the one sort of—maybe one of the only common things that we all share in the human experience,” Ebon Moss-Bachrach (Richie) said.

Has Season 4 of The Bear already been filmed?

the bear season 3
Image: FX

Earlier in the year, it was reported by insider sources that Season 3 and 4 of The Bear would be filmed back-to-back, meaning that the wait between seasons would hopefully be much less. This was rumoured despite FX not having even renewed the series for a fourth season (although with the series’ massive success, it’s presumed).

The cast wouldn’t confirm nor deny that Season 4 had already been filmed, but their comments do seem to imply that content beyond Season 3 has already been filmed.

“We did something like that,” White said, when asked about the back-to-back shooting schedule. “Yeah, a little version of it, sort of. But not exactly,” Edebiri added. “Not exactly,” White agreed.

Before we get too excited about Season 4, however, we need to get through Season 3 of The Bear first which hits Disney+ on June 27 (aka today!).

Lead Image Credit: Disney+

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