Jamie Oliver Shared the Secret to a ‘Delicious’ Chicken Breast on MasterChef Australia

Jamie Oliver Shared the Secret to a ‘Delicious’ Chicken Breast on MasterChef Australia

If you’ve been following MasterChef Australia 2024 closely, you’ll know the series has been a goldmine for cooking hacks. Guest judges, like Jamie Oliver, have been particularly helpful in sharing cooking tips that make working in the kitchen a little easier and one of our favourites is his guide to delicious, stuffed chicken breast.

The best way to make chicken breast, according to Jamie Oliver

Jamie Oliver stuffed chicken breast MasterChef Australia.
Jamie Oliver stuffed chicken breast MasterChef Australia.

Back in the earlier stages of MasterChef Australia 2024, Jamie Oliver took the contestants through the process of seasoning a chicken from the inside out.

In the clip (which comes from his Trevor’s Chicken recipe), Oliver shared that “we’re going to take your everyday chicken that many, many people are bored of, and we’re going to make it delicious.”

First, he shared that in a chicken breast, you can find a little fillet. Pull it aside and use a sharp knife to create a small pouch in the chicken.

In this recipe, Jamie Oliver used a duxelles – which is a mince of mushrooms, onions, herbs, pepper and butter – and stuffed the little pouch in chicken with this mixture. Though, in theory, you could use whatever you like.

The benefits of stuffing chicken breast, or seasoning from the inside out, as Oliver put it, is that it is thought to keep more moisture in this usually dry cut of chicken. So, it’s a pretty useful tip to use when preparing this common recipe base for weeknight dinners.

You can check out the full clip from the simple, but nifty cooking tip below:

If you’d like to try the complete recipe, which comes complete with mustard sauce, potato and celeriac mash and veggies, you can find it here. You an find more recipes and cooking tips from MasterChef seasons here.

Lead Image Credit: MasterChef Australia Instagram

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