Nat’s What I Reckon’s Potato Hash Brown Recipe Is as Quick as It Is Tasty

Nat’s What I Reckon’s Potato Hash Brown Recipe Is as Quick as It Is Tasty

With so many frozen and pre-made food items on the market, we’re often guilty of taking the easy way out rather than attempting to cook something from scratch. If anyone has shown us just how easy it is to make some of these things ourselves, it’s Nat’s What I Reckon. From pasta sauce to roast potatoes, Nat’s recipes took Australia by storm, particularly during lockdown, and the latest one to go gangbusters has been a recipe for homemade hash browns.

Now, even I am partial to a McCain hash brown time to time, but this recipe has me questioning everything I’ve known.

Nat’s What I Reckon’s homemade hash brown recipe

Firstly, we wouldn’t want to take away from the gloriousness of Nat’s video, so please peep that below before you read the hash brown recipe.

Incredible stuff. Now, if you didn’t have time to take in all the details of that recipe, we’ve gathered them for you below:

What you’ll need to make hash browns:

  • 2-3 peeled potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 1 mince garlic clove
  • 1 egg (aka bum nut)
  • 1 tbsp plain flour
  • 1/2 tsp cumin
  • 1/2 tsp paprika

Directions for hash browns:

  1. Peel and grate your potatoes onto a paper towel or tea towel. Once grated wring the water out of your potato pieces.
  2. Grate the onion.
  3. Place potato and onion into a bowl. Mince your garlic clove and add that along with the flour, cumin and paprika. You can also add chilli powder (optional).
  4. Add the egg and mix it all together in the bowl. Add some salt and mix through.
  5. Heat some vegetable oil in a pan on medium high.
  6. Squash and shape the mixture into a flat pancake shape. Put it in the pan and flatten with a spoon or spatula.
  7. Cook each hash brown for a couple of minutes on each side, flipping so it browns evenly.

As Nat says, the hash browns may not look as cookie cutter as the frozen type, but they’ll taste so much better.

If you’re after more cooking tips you’ll also want to check out Nat’s essential pantry staples and our recent interview with the cooking champ.

Lead Image Credit: Nat’s What I Reckon/iStock

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