14 Of The Best Apple CarPlay and Android Auto Wireless Adapters

14 Of The Best Apple CarPlay and Android Auto Wireless Adapters
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Apple CarPlay and Android Auto Wireless Adapters are dongles that plug into your car and let you connect your phone via Bluetooth. If you’re prone to losing cables, worried about damaging your charging port or just want to be able to connect to your car without needing to plug it in, a wireless adapter may be the solution to your problem.

If you’re interested in finding out more about Apple CarPlay and Android Auto wireless adapters, we’ve gone and done all the research for you. We’ve even collected some of the most popular ones on the market right now.

What is Apple CarPlay and Android Auto?

Apple CarPlay Android Auto Wireless Adapter
Image: iStock/AdrianHancu

Apple CarPlay and Android Auto are apps that screencast your phone’s interface to the dashboard display in your car. It allows you to use certain phone apps from your vehicle, like music apps and maps, while also letting you make and receive calls. Normally, you need to plug your phone into your dashboard display to use these programs. However, if your phone’s charging port or cable is experiencing wear and tear, or if you have an older model that doesn’t always like to connect reliably, then having a wireless option to connect to your car to Apple CarPlay or Android Auto is ideal.

Wireless adapters for CarPlay and Auto instead do the heavy lifting by connecting to your car via cable or Bluetooth. These adapters then connect to your phone via Bluetooth, so you can enjoy a wire-free experience. Also, once you’ve done the initial setup of connecting the dongle to your phone, it should automatically disconnect and reconnect every time you get in and out of your car.

Of course, these wireless adapters only work if your car has a dashboard display — if not, you can always buy one separately. Most dongles are compatible with around 600 different car models, but you can check if your car is on the manufacturer’s list before buying.

Best wireless Apple CarPlay adapters

wireless carplay adapter
Image: iStock/AdrianHancu

If you have an iPhone, you’ll need a wireless adapter that supports Apple CarPlay.

Here are some of the best:

Best wireless Android Auto adapters

Image: Google

If you have an Android phone, you’ll need to ensure your wireless adapter supports Android Auto.

Here’s what’s available:

Best 2-in-1 wireless adapters

wireless carplay adapter
Image: Ottocast

There’s also the option to get a two-in-one wireless adapter that supports both Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.

These are our picks:

Image credit: Ottocast/Quad Lock

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At Lifehacker, we independently select and write about stuff we love and think you'll like too. We have affiliate and advertising partnerships, which means we may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page. BTW – prices are accurate and items in stock at the time of posting.


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