The Masked Singer Australia: Every Celebrity Reveal From This Season

The Masked Singer Australia: Every Celebrity Reveal From This Season

The Masked Singer Australia has been and gone for 2023, people, and what a ride it was. If you’ve been following along and want to revisit all the clues and celebrity guesses, we have them all listed for you below. And if you’re not across any of the updates, here’s the place to catch up.

What is the Masked Singer?

In a nutshell, The Masked Singer Australia is a talent show in which a list of celebrities (or rather, personalities) sing on stage while wearing over-the-top costumes that hide their identities from the audience and judges.

The panel of judges, and the audience at home, hear a list of clues that hint at who it may be under the mask, and people can make their guesses. When the singer is eliminated (it’s a voting process), they are unmasked, and you can bask in the glory of having guessed correctly or awkwardly sit there and learn you were wrong.

The Aussie series was born off the back of the success of the U.S. version of The Masked Singer, which was inspired by a Korean game show, King of Mask Singer.

When did the series kick off for 2023?

The weird and wonderful mask show hit Australian screens on September 11, 2023, at 7:30 pm on Channel 10 and 10Play.

Who is on the Masked Singer in 2023?

Masked Singer australia
10 Network

The 2022 judging panel for the Aussie reality show is back for another year, with Dave Hughes, Mel B (yes, of the Spice Girls), radio presenter Chrissie Swan and former Bachie contestant Abbie Chatfield stepping up to play Guess Who once again.

How about the singers, though? The list of performing characters is slowly being revealed, and it’s as chaotic as ever. Here’s who we know is hitting the stage so far:

  • Bluebottle
  • Space Fairy
  • Snow Fox
  • Cow Girl
  • Bouncer
  • Grim Reaper
  • Crash Test Dummy
  • Fawn
  • Tiny
  • Bad Avocado
  • Orca
  • Burger Gal
  • The Captain

Once again, the series is hosted by everyone’s favourite TV dad, Osher Günsberg.

Do we have any clues to obsess over?

Masked Singer australia
Network 10

We know (from 10’s social media posts) that there’s a Grammy winner, a sporting superstar, a Hollywood heartthrob, a celebrity super dad, Aussie royalty, a global singing sensation, an international hell raiser (what does that even mean?) and a reality TV queen in the mix this year. But official clues have been shared all season, too. Let’s dissect them, yeah?

Episode ten Masked Singer Clues:

  • Cow Girl: Last time, my perfect pitch wooed the crowds. The panel’s guesses have been bigger than a Texas sky. Hold on to your hooves, it’s the semi-final and they’re still not even close. Tonight, I’m roping my way to glory. Yee-haw! In the world of cow girls I’m quite the big wig, are there bigger wigs? Probably, but that’s for others to say. You could say this cow girl’s come a long way, I am nowhere near where I started. Certainly haven’t been idol, that’s for sure. I’ve been burning rubber! But, you know, it’s not about winning and losing, we lose more often than we win! It’s all about playing the game to whistle.
  • Snow Fox: Up until now, I’ve been furrocious but the semi-finals are snow joke! Let me see if my foxy flair will take me through to the finale! The one thing I’ve learned as a Snow Fox is that you have to put yourself out there to reach your destiny, otherwise, you’ll stay out in the cold. This is me, I’m a Snow Fox, not a Wolverine. Although I understand the confusion. Yes, still a carnivore, but you wouldn’t be afraid to hold me in your arms. Still, I am focused, I know what makes me happy and happier, and that is what is in the soul. So, act as if every day is your last. Then there’s no regrets.
  • Grim Reaper: Up until now, my killer moves have rocked the house. The panel thought I had un-dead-niable talent but the stakes have never been higher. It may be the semis, but I’m grand final ready. This lot are all going to be dying for more. You don’t need to fear the Grim Reaper, even if you meet me in a back street. You see, I only want the best for everyone. Of course, none of us are perfect so I might take you to the devil to feel the fire or maybe you’re in a state of grace and you could join me with the angels. So, when you see me heading your way, it’s not over… it’s just the end of the dream.
  • Bouncer: Last time, I pulled out my guitar and plucked on the panel’s heartstrings. But were they on the money? Being a Bouncer isn’t all about the big hits, though I do love them too. Sometimes the smaller stuff is more meaningful. That’s the precious stuff! There’s a right way to do things, and there’s a wrong way. The wrong way brings darkness into your heart, and we’ve all been there. The work is important, when we’re gone, that’s all that’s left of us. I’m getting all philosophical. Does that surprise ya? It’s just a little sign that it’s a big world and we’re all deep. Here we go, with the grand finale around the corner, it’s time to shut up shop!

Episode nine Masked Singer Clues:

  • Grim Reaper: Last time, death came knocking and the panel tried to guess the skeleton in my closet. Now, I’m ready to knock ‘em dead. When you look back on your life you want to score a 10, it’s an important number to me. Of course, you could always aim even higher but success is 150 to one. In my life, I’ve seen it all, I’ve seen the ugly and I’ve seen the pretty and, while I take my job seriously, I am not my brother’s keeper. You know, life is complicated. That’s something you learn travelling this big world, and I have travelled all of it and more. Ambition is a good thing, it can take you from what’s holding you back. You don’t need to hide who you are… even though I still do.
  • Cow Girl: In the last performance I had everyone going Gaga, time to saddle up! Don’t worry, this isn’t my first rodeo. Now is the time for this Cow Girl to bloom. I’m not talking about dancing, I’ve always had two right feet. If you could turn back time… you’d see I’m a born entertainer. It gives me a sense of euphoria. So, is my life an act? I certainly play the part and I can act very neighbourly when called upon.
  • Snow Fox: My last performance was snow joke, and the panel tried to break the ice! Watch out foxy fans as I freeze the day! As a Snow Fox, I want to do my job and look good doing it, even statuesque, royal, but always contemporary. Sitting here, I’ve taken a very strong sense of deja vu, there’s a real feeling of intimacy, don’t you think? Or maybe it’s more obvious, like… what have I inked? And there’s not enough wisdom in the world, or compassion, that’s the one thing I would change.
  • Bouncer: Last time I nearly ended up as roadkill, and my identity kept them spinning on their tails. Look out Australia, this roo is ready to rumble! Being a doorman is a little bit mysterious, you gotta play it cool. Hey, you! Hold up, are you 18? No? Then come on in! But no staying past midnight. You know, I love the Aussie countryside, but I felt pretty welcome in the Big Apple too. Those yanks say grace before every meal! Good people. I don’t know about you, but I like to lend other people a hand. Of course, flying solo isn’t so bad either.
  • NEW! The Captain: I’m the Captain and I’m known to enjoy the laidback lifestyle. You know, having fun is my main goal in life, but I’ve had many other goals. Of course, it’s not all plain sailing, but what’s a cruise without stormy seas? Some people dread the big blue, but not me because over time I made friends on the high seas… a lot of friends, like stingrays! I love stingrays. They helped me keep my dreams afloat, wot wot! Seriously, if you can’t handle the fun my way on my cruise, you need to toughen up like me! Regrets? No way! Because what happens on a tropical cruise stays on a tropical cruise, wot wot! And that’s why I sailed for warmer climbs. Fun ahoy!

Episode eight Masked Singer Clues:

  • Bouncer: Last time the panel realised I’m not a friendly face at your local. I’ll be singing my hero song tonight and you’ll be seeing stars in my performance! Growing up Big Red wasn’t easy, so many things to feel guilty about but I always had my music, that’s no revelation! You know, I’ve really got the taste for this type of work. Not cleaning so much, but the bouncing business. It’s a real workout! Like anyone I’ve got me dreams but, I guess, one day the bubble will pop. In this job, you’ve got to be consistent and persistent. Nothing’s impossible. Don’t give up, even when things look dark, because you want to be the last one standing.
  • Snow Fox: Last time I had to spell it out… tonight, the legendary Piano Man leads me down the yellow brick road for my performance. As a Snow Fox, childhood is different. You grow up quick, no time to rest. You never know which door will open up next. Like this masquerade, you never know. Of course, the path to where you’re headed is never clear, there are hurdles, but don’t let it leave a sour taste in your mouth. I never do. Then again, spice in my mouth helped me to take on my biggest challenge. Then I could tell people what I really, really want. But, right now, I’m ready to cook up something special.
  • Orca: My last performance was a real blast from the past… my dreams have become a reality tonight performing a legendary song! I don’t really enjoy being in captivity, fenced in, I prefer the natural environment. That’s what feels like home but I always find time to round out my pod because love always wins! You know, I’ve come a long way from where I started. Like the sea creature I am, I keep moving forward. I’m the boss, but I’m no diva and what you see is what you get. I’m white on the bottom and black on top… sometimes! You don’t like it? I don’t really care!
  • Grim Reaper: I promised and delivered on my last performance, tonight a legend has opened up heaven’s doors. I can’t wait to take you to the other side. When you do what I do, it’s easy to get down on yourself but the simple things bring me back into the light. No, not caffeine! Can I think of three adjectives to describe myself? No, actually I can’t. But you can’t worry about what people say about you, that’s their problem. What does matter is love. That’s all. We all need to be loved.
  • Cow Girl: There I went again last performance leaving the panel udderly delighted! Tonight, this Cow Girl’s going for iconic so you better get ready to just dance! As a Cow Girl, I have my secrets. Let me warn you that I’m no dairy cow but, if I was, my milk would be top fuel! I don’t mean to big-note myself but I worked with some of the biggest names in entertainment… and some of the shortest. You know, this really is a tough business. Even as a Cow Girl, people are fascinated with my body parts, or so a little bird told me. I got you, babe! Of course, in the end, you’ve just got to fight or face ruin.

Episode seven Masked Singer Clues:

  • Snow Fox: Tonight I am heading to a simpler time. No, not the ice age, back to an era when the King still reigned… Elvis, that is. It’s a big world out there. Cold, you have to keep moving, working, producing. Who knows where it might take you? You know, I’ve been conservative and I’ve been wild. Both need you to be confident, it’s a state of mind. My life as a Snow Fox is survival of the fittest. Competition is everywhere you look. Sometimes you’re number one, number two… or number 29. Just do your best. If you do your best, you have a reason to smile! Smile and the world smiles with you. Cry and you cry alone.
  • Bouncer: My song tonight sounds like it’s from the ‘50s, but it’s just a hop, skip and a jump back in time until I found you. Back when we were all confined to the top paddock. Being a Bouncer takes more brawn than brain, I got both because I’m quite the athlete. I’ve been on the biggest sporting stage. I’m not being defensive now, I don’t care what anyone says. No one could ever accuse this roo of being disloyal. You know, even when I went solo I still sought some company. I guess that was Bouncer 2.0. I’m sure you know I’m all about the entertainment… let me get on the PA. Trivia question time restarts in 21 minutes! People, we’re in for a big night!
  • Cow Girl: Tonight I’m heading to greener pastures. Back to my country roots… here I come again! Strangely, for a Cow Girl, you won’t always find me out on the range. Actually, enclosed spaces are good too. That’s not to say I stay in one spot. So many countries welcome me with open arms! But I keep returning to my favourite place and where some Hot Wheels can be found! Actually, wherever I am I feel like a queen. Overall though, life as a Cow Girl makes me feel good! Like a guy winning a singing competition!
  • Orca: Hello sailor! Tonight I am turning back time when fishnets were not just found in the ocean. I’m ready to make a splash! Orcas can be found all over the world – some migrate. You see, we even enjoy the heat! Although you can find Orcas all over the world. New Zealand, Italy, Poland… Poland?! You know, some people think Orcas are dangerous, that we have a dark side, that we leave our prey all torn, but you’ll just have to let me tell my own story.
  • Burger Gal: Get ready to take a selfie with the hottest burger in town, while I serve ya up a contemporary classic! People say us burgers are addictive, you just can’t say no! And my favourite burger is definitely beef. Actually, there’s a lot of cow products I like, that’s formidable and epic! Now I know you all recognise my buns, however, I was first famous for my feet. This world is where so many show their true colours. Yes, I think we can all agree a hamburger is a special love, and if you don’t think so you need to stop the madness!
  • Grim Reaper: It’s time to head to the other side of the century, where overalls, double denim, grunge and hip-hop ruled the ‘90s. You mighty ask why I’m holding an old farming implement, I don’t really know. I grew up in the big smoke! Ooh, it’s sharp. I heal fast! Now I know people feel crushing fear when they see me approaching. I get it, but despite what I do for a living, I don’t feel like I have bloodstains on my hands. And don’t confuse me for a vampire, or a werewolf howling at the moon. A silver bullet won’t kill me… but I love platinum! To you, this is a graveyard. Maybe you’ll see the devil. But I know there are delights still to come.

Episode six Masked Singer Clues:

  • NEW! Burger Gal: Everybody loves a burger. Tasty, with an aroma you could bottle! And when it comes to fast foods, you know I’m the victorious one. I’m so proud to be a burger and I’ve witnessed some amazing things. Of course, my mother was very driven. You would know Dad if you kept up with my life or reality shows. Or you can ask my grandfather or nephew. For them, the burger is the royalty of food and they both have principles. Now I hear some people play with their food, but I’m nobody’s toy. Well, except for that one time ha ha ha. So how do you like your burger? With a hot potato? Or like me, with ten ingredients!
  • Snow Fox: Last time around I froze out the competition and left the panel lost in the woods. This Fox is going to blow your socks off. I’m Snow Fox, so I guess I’m a predator, but there’s no way you’ll find me dancing with the devil. I’m not that naughty. Making a living as a Snow Fox can be dangerous. Trolls always looking to shut me down. Don’t worry what other people say, it’s just jealousy. You know, even the greatest moments don’t come easily. The hunt can be difficult and the winters long so, for me, it’s important to have faith in what you do!
  • Tiny: Last time I held the panel in the palm of my giant hand, and judging by their guesses I left them monstrously mystified. I know I get a bit prickly but that’s because of unrealised dreams. But this will be my year! You know, I’m not the type to get bored. I’ve always been on the move! But the road is never straight in a monster’s life. You never know where it will take you! You’re probably not surprised that I grew up quickly. Having wet feet will do that to a monster. But right now, I’m searching for gold… or maybe some quicksilver? Yeah!
  • Bouncer: In my last performance my song was just like me: a loved Australian classic and it kept the panel jumping from one conclusion to another. Now watch me give this competition a real kick! You’ll have to forgive my attitude but I’ve really owned this game, it’s a gift! It requires patience but I’ve got plenty of that. Now don’t you go tripping and say I’m cartoonish, that’s all in the past. I’m as big and real as life, so bad as you think you are I’ve got the big guy on my side. You know, what I do is my everything. It’s not like I could be a hairdresser or something. Ridiculous!

Episode five Masked Singer Clues:

  • NEW! Orca: I’m one of the big fish around here but when you look at the waters I swim in, they’re massive! Right now I’m probably not in my natural home, it’s a really big decision to break away from your pod but when you start the hunt as young as I did it’s something you have to do. To an Orca, family is important… although growing up was a three-ring circus. Or was it five rings? That’s counting absolutely everybody.
  • Grim Reaper: Last time I gave an otherworldly performance, the panel made some ghoulish guesses but do they have a hope in hell of unmasking me tonight? Being the Grim Reaper is my own little empire. This job can get lonely, even with so many people around me. It’s funny, that’s why I get clay feet in the country. I know being Grim Reaper is an important job but I have dreamed of doing something else. But let’s get serious, it’s in my DNA and, in the end, this is what I do. I probably can’t start again.
  • Space Fairy: In my last performance I lit up the stage, the panel tried to guess my name but these star gazers got lost in space and haven’t guessed me yet. Let’s see what they come up with tonight. Ahem, sorry just warming up my voice. You know, when I first dropped into your world I thought it would be a quick blitz in and out, but it’s quite the love affair for me. As a Space Fairy I like to sit back and watch what’s going on. I’ve also been watched a lot and that’s made my quite famous. Strangely, not in the US… that’s the reality. I really like being a Space Fairy, I really don’t think I could live any other life now. Who’s feeling spoiled? Ahem… me, me, me!
  • Cow Girl: Last time I put on a bloomin’ brilliant performance, the panel had a field day with their guesses. I haven’t always wanted to be a Cow Girl, in a dream I would be a doctor. From an early age a Cow Girl wants to escape. Of course life doesn’t go where you want it to. I fell about 400 meters short. Never mind, that doesn’t mean you should be agro. Okay, I’m the first to say I’m no lady, but I’m no mean girl either, it’s the other girls who were mean to me on screen. I’m just happy to be who I am, and anyone else I choose to be.

Episode four Masked Singer Clues:

  • Snow Fox: My first song, the panel’s guesses were as cold as ice. That performance was addictive and I can’t wait to take the stage tonight. Living somewhere this beautiful is a dream, home sweet home. You know, I’ve been through intense training. This is so much nicer. Of course, not all Snow Foxes are migratory but I’ve had more than one home. I didn’t build them myself, that would be ridiculous. Actually, I think God built this one. I’m known for my good works, but my mother spent her life with very different works. You do what you can.
  • Bouncer: Last time, the guesses could have been a total wipeout, I was walking on sunshine but I’m ready for a monster act this evening. People say that I look scary. Really? You don’t like the way I look? Well that’s just swell. So look at my house, well let me tell you I’m miles from where I started. I won’t sugarcoat it, this is nothing like my first home, that was just a billabong. Look at that rubbish, it’s screaming, ‘pick me up!’ Imagine if we all threw our rubbish on the ground. I know it’s hard to love a monster like me, I would be a very long time waiting, wouldn’t I? Maybe I should admit defeat. I won’t do that, because there’s always hope. The sun will shine again!
  • Bluebottle: When I performed last time the guesses had some sting. I loved singing that song, but I am ready to wrap myself around tonight. Since I was young, my work is where my heart belongs. Not that you can tell by looking at me but I’m pretty handy with a machine. You might not know this, but Bluebottles also work by night, that’s why we have lights all around, all the time. To help us through the night. But I don’t like being stepped on and going ‘pop’. It’s really not the sound I like.
  • Bouncer: Last time I leapt into gear and kept the panellists on their toes. Now, I’m ready to bounce back. Watch me give this competition a real kick! This Bouncer gets around, in fact, you can find roos like me from the forest to the lakes. Even the city of angels! Or at this bowlo. Hey, it’s better than working in a hotel. Let me tell ya, it’s not natural to sleepwalk through life so don’t even think about holding me up. To do what I do you’ve got to be tough, let me give you a demo! As things keep changing, you’ve got to stay relevant. That’s life. I believe in doing things the right way. That’s how this big boomer was raised.

Episode three Masked Singer Clues:

  • Grim Reaper: Last time I left the panel spooked with my performance, they tried my best to peak under my hood… What offering will I bring for them tonight? Sorry, but it took me a while to wake up. Okay, let me say this; I’m the one who makes decisions about who stays and who goes. Please, don’t take it personal. You know, I know what it’s like to be on the edge, but I’m more mature now. I think I’ve got it together. The way I dress is quite the throwback, like something from another era… but how long ago? You know, I escort the souls of the dead, so I understand if I’m not popular. I get it, but that’s the gig.
  • Space Fairy: My first mission on planet Masked Singer was a success, but I don’t know what planet the panel were on with their guesses. In my time on Earth, I’ve learned you can’t get on with everyone, especially when you don’t ‘meet’ their expectations. Silly sausages. Some people will swallow anything when forced to, especially when the experts make the match. I guess we all have our cross to bear. Still, joy is my middle name. Of course, I’m not always happy, I’ve shed many tear drops. It’s tough living in two worlds. When you see me, do you see the real me? I don’t mind, as long as you don’t make stuff up. You can save the lies, you have no right to be wrong about me.
  • Cow Girl: I got what I wanted during my last performance, a Spice Girl’s seal of approval, but this panel’s got to giddy up with their guesses. What’s it like to be a Cow Girl? It’s enjoying the things that make life spicy, but it’s not following the herd and I’m not a toy, you know? I’m not battery-powered. Well, I was once. Oh my, my, my. You know, I wouldn’t call myself a sore loser… or a sore winner! But I’m always sunny. And another thing, I’m a lover but maybe I don’t have enough gravity to succeed. Maybe I should travel abroad to be the real me.
  • Bad Avocado: On the outside, I might have seen better days but my singing was ripe! The panel’s guesses, however, were all bad. You know, us Avocados react badly to being bashed all the time, I really don’t do well crying in the shadows. Actually, people enjoy their time in the sun because they like a bit of brown… Not bits of brown. I’m not a model Avocado, obviously, but I’m in good shape whether you like it or not. I’m keeping it real! Could I have a career as a singing avocado? Is that where my aim is?

Episode two Masked Singer Clues:

  • Snow Fox: I am the Snow Fox; graceful, sophisticated, and resilient. But there is more to my life than glamour, you don’t see the amount of hard work it takes to survive in my environment. Of course, here in my winter wonderland, it’s like every day is Christmas. But staying warm is brutal. My pulse has to beat fast. You know, little Snow Foxes are looked after well by their parents. It was during Snow Fox High School that my abilities became apparent. Now that I’m older I have the drive needed to stay alive.
  • Tiny: Hi, I’m Tiny and nothing much scares me. I think we all know that’s true. Sorry, forgive my speed, I’m not as fast as I used to be. So let me tell you about myself. As a monster I’m top of the class, one step ahead! Okay, we’re all caught up now. Here ye, here ye, let my voice be heard all over the world. You know, there’s a lot of opportunities as a monster. It’s actually very difficult choosing what to do. Do you really need to know more about me? Or is it ‘fin’? That means the end.
  • Fawn: As a Fawn, I spend a lot of my time camouflaged, you don’t really see the real me. Not completely. I’m always on the move, maybe that’s why fitness plays such a big part in my life. Okay, let me be direct about this: like Bambi, there’s often heartbreak around me but I need to be the model of composure by giving 100 every single time. I prefer somewhere warm, but I can withstand the cold too. I’m quick, everybody knows that, maybe that’s why I’m always first.
  • Bouncer: Where I come from it’s hot, almost 100 in the old money and everything I’ve got is from the sweat of my brow. You know, being a big red – well that’s in my DNA, you’ve got no choice but to be what you’ll be from a young age. But that’s alright, I’m a glass half-full roo. After all, we’ve all got our demons and angels. But if you believe in the higher power you’re going to be okay. Well, it’s getting late, almost midnight, another long but ordinary day for this roo. Time to close the door.
  • Bluebottle: As you can see, I’m a Bluebottle, although I had no choice in the colour. I’m a little animal with a big warning. I can cause you severe pain. Don’t worry, no license to kill. Just annoy. Let me tell you what the water gave me… no, not mermaids. Abalone or something like that. Oh yes, I could teach you all a thing or two. Do you find me beautiful? Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

Episode one Masked Singer Clues:

  • Cow Girl: The one thing everyone believes about cows is that we’re vegan – you’d think we’d leave certain foods untouched. Course, what you might not know about a Cow Girl is that we don’t like staying in one place, even when young. Obviously, I’m not in the same place I was born. Do I have a favourite location? Anywhere free! You know, pro bono! There anything else you need to know about me? Only that you don’t have to come first, but it’s nice when you do!
  • Crash Test Dummy: As a Crash Test Dummy I’m used to being slammed… a lot! Of course, it could make you angry, make you burst into flames! But not me, I always manage. That’s because I’m always being watched intensely, there are cameras in every direction and when you live like I do you can have countless lives. In my life, I’ve learned everyone wants to take the gold but from the start, I was one step behind that. But I’m close to other colours too! Let me say one last thing, a Crash Test Dummy doesn’t travel far each time but it adds up to nearly a hundred thou and I like the sound of that!
  • Space Fairy: I’m the Space Fairy! Am I from a different planet? I’m certainly from a different world. Landing in Australia, was it love at first sight? There’s no drama in that, but it’s too much having a life dissected in minute detail. Hear that? The pitter-patter of tiny feet! You can probably tell this isn’t really my space, I prefer the sun. Somewhere filled with light! There’s no shame in that. Either way, there are so many lessons to be learned on earth, and if we learn from our mistakes I’m the smartest Fairy there is! Nowadays I’m always on.
  • Bad Avocado: I’m a Bad Avocado, so what? People treat me like they know me, that’s enough to brown off anyone! Y’know, most Avocados grew up with a lot of warmth and heat, I was a bit green when I came to attention. You’d think that would make me highly strung, but I know when to call it quits and just let it slide. Would you like a slice? Just look at it through my eyes, there’s a lot to unpack in someone’s life, so quit the judgment, okay? They reckon that time heals, we’ll see about that!
  • Grim Reaper: You call me the Grim Reaper… okay, maybe I started out Grim but now I actually enjoy life, it’s quite beautiful! Being the Grim Reaper has sudden highs and lows, for all of you of course. I come to lead your soul so you step into the light. My job never stops, no time off but millions of happy customers. It’s just about all I know! Being the Grim Reaper is a good life, it’s not bliss but it’s close to it.

Celebrity guesses for The Masked Singer 2023

masked singer australia 2023
Credit: Network 10

The guesses have begun to flow in (do you have any theories yet?), and we’re keeping track of them below. Here are the guesses from the judges so far.

  • Snow Fox:  Samantha Jade, Jessie J, Kelly Rowland, Dami Im
  • Bouncer: Mario, Jay Sean, Peter Andre, Conrad Sewell
  • Grim Reaper: Guy Sebastian, Dean Lewis, Sananda Maitreya,  Darren Hayes
  • Cow Girl: Trevor Ashley, Sophie Monk, Chad Michaels, Guy Pearce
  • NEW! The Captain: Gyton Grantley, Wally Lewis, Brendan Fevola, Rick Springfield
  • Burger Gal: La Toya Jackson, Fran Drescher, Julia Stiles, Snooki
  • Orca: Toni Childs, Bic Runga, Natalie Imbruglia, Sheryl Crow
  • Tiny: Billy Ocean, One of the Teskey Brothers, Post Malone, Pete Murray
  • Fawn: Carrie Bickmore, Pip Edwards, Jackie O, Chloé Hayden
  • Bluebottle: Gladys Knight, Natalie Bassingthwaighte, Emma Bunton, Florence Welch
  • Crash Test Dummy: Niall Horan, Nick Carter, John Steffensen, Donnie Wahlberg
  • Space Fairy: Joss Stone, Jesy Nelson, Marcia Hines, Mary J. Blige
  • Bad Avocado: Jacqui Lambie, Michelle Payne, Alyssa Healy, Pettifleur Berenger

There are also plenty of guesses floating around the internet from fans, too. Here’s what they’ve said.

  • Bouncer: A lot of fans are guessing Conrad Sewell based on a clip of Bouncer’s performance of ‘You’re the Voice’
  • Snow Fox: Folks are guessing Amber Riley, Jessica Mauboy and Rita Ora for this stylish fox. Most recently, the Swedish flag clue has people guessing Dami Im!
  • Grim Reaper: The most dominant guess for this spooky mask is Darren Hayes. An icon

Celebrity reveals

Masks have started to come off, and celebrity faces have begun emerging. Here are the reveals we’ve seen on The Masked Singer Australia 2023 so far.

Spoilers are obviously ahead.

  • Crash Test Dummy: Revealed to be Brian Austin Green of Beverly Hills 90210
  • Fawn: Fans were shocked to learn that the celeb behind that Pussycat Dolls performance was none other than Sandra Sully
  • Bad Avocado: Revealed to be Summer Warne, Shane Warne’s daughter
  • Bluebottle: This talent was revealed to be Shaynna Blaze
  • Space Fairy: This contestant was unmasked to show reality TV personality Charlotte Crosby
  • Tiny: Pete Murray was behind this cuddly mask
  • Burger Gal: She was revealed to be La Toya Jackson
  • Orca: This talented sea creature was unmasked to reveal Amy Sheppard
  • The Captain: Brendan Fevola was behind this wild card mask
  • Cow Girl: This mask revealed none other than Courtney Act
  • Bouncer: Coming in third place, Bouncer was revealed to be Conrad Sewell
  • Grim Reaper: As we all guessed, Grim Reaper was the incredible Darren Hayes
  • Snow Fox: The winner of this year’s Masked Singer was none other than Dami Im

When and where can we watch the show 2023?

The Masked Singer Australia Credit: Network 10

The Masked Singer Australia continues Mondays and Tuesdays at 7.30 pm on 10 and 10 Play

This article on The Masked Singer Australia has been updated since its original publish date. This article has been corrected to state the series will show on Mondays at 7:30 pm.

Lead image credit: Network 10 Masked Singer Australia 2023


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